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Bulk Shortcut Rebuild

Modifica il puntamento dei collegamenti alle cartelle di rete presenti sul Desktop. Accetta parametri via batch (vedi primo blocco codice). Lo script di partenza è disponibile all'indirizzo, modifiche e funzionamento spiegato sul blog all'url #

Richiamo del VBS tramite batch:

cscript \\%USERDNSDOMAIN%\netlogon\scripts\BulkShortcut.vbs //B "\\SERVER1\" "\\SERVER3\shared\"
cscript \\%USERDNSDOMAIN%\netlogon\scripts\BulkShortcut.vbs //B "\\SERVER2\" "\\SERVER3\shared\"
' Codice originale	: Rob Dunn
' Modificato da		: GSolone
' Ultima modifica	: 29-04-2014 (rev1)
' -------------------------------------------------------------------
'	rev1- ho rimosso i popup di richiesta dati e messo di default il parametro Silent a 2 così da non richiedere l'intervento dell'utente. Ho inserito l'objArgs così da potergli passare i parametri direttamente da un batch (logon)
Dim Silent, CurTime, sIsDrive
Dim newlink, oldlink, oldfull, fullname, oldfile, bgcolor
Dim CheckFolder, RootFolder
Dim w, ws
const ForReading = 1
const ForWriting = 2
const ForAppending = 8
'On Error Resume Next
'Find current time that the script runs
set wso = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'objArgs per passargli i parametri da batch
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
'pull the system's process variables (we'll be using TEMP
' for the output file and WINDIR to figure out the default 
' location of user's desktop folder - whether 9x or NT/2k/XP)
Set WshSysEnv = wso.Environment("PROCESS")
'pull the system's profile environment variable
userprofile = wso.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%userprofile%")
'set your variables here
'silent = 0/1/2
'	0 - verbose
'	1 - turns off verification prompts
'	2 - turns off verification and initial config prompts
'ChangePathFrom = string you wish to replace
'ChangePathTo = string you wish to change ChangePathFrom to
' above server vars are needed only for when silent = 2
'ouputfile = location of output filename, you can use a string in
' place of all the code after the equal sign (i.e. 
' outputfile = "x:\temp," etc.)
'curtime = finds time of execution of script
'RootFolder = The folder that you wish to search (silent mode only)
'      set your variables below...
Silent = 2
ChangePathFrom = objArgs(0)
ChangePathTo = objArgs(1)
OutputFile = WshSysEnv("TEMP") & "\" & "BulkShortcut.htm"
RootFolder = objArgs(2)
CurTime = Now
OSType = WshSysEnv("OS")
WinDirectory = WshSysEnv("WINDIR")
If Silent > 0 Then
	CheckFolder = RootFolder
End If
If CheckFolder = "" Then
  If OSType <> "Windows_NT" Then
	'Windows 9x/Me desktop folder
	CheckFolder = Windirectory & "\desktop" 
	'Windows NT/2k/XP desktop folder
	CheckFolder = userprofile & "\desktop"
  End If
End If
'check to see if ouputfile exists or not, deletes it if it does
If CheckFileExists(OutputFile) Then
	Set oldfile = fso.GetFile(OutputFile)
	'wscript.echo oldfile & " does not yet exist."
End If
'Start writing the HTM Log file...
Set w = fso.OpenTextFile (OutputFile, ForAppending, True)
	w.Writeline ("<html>")
	w.Writeline ("<title>Changing Shortcuts in root folder "_
	 & CheckFolder & "</title>")
	w.Writeline ("<table BORDER=0 width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3>")
	w.Writeline ("<tr>")
	w.Writeline ("<th bgcolor=#000080 colspan=3 width=100>")
	w.Writeline ("<p align=left>")
	w.Writeline ("</th>")
	w.Writeline ("</tr>")
	w.Writeline ("<h0><B><font face=Arial color=#000033 size=2>"_
	& "Shortcuts located in: <font color=#CC0000> "_
	& CheckFolder & " <font face=Arial color=#000033 size=2>,"_
	& " searching recursively at " & CurTime & "</B></font></h0>")
	w.WriteLine ("<TR bgcolor=gray colspan=3 width=100>")
	w.WriteLine ("<TD><font face=Arial size=1 color=white> Shortcut Path"_
	& "</font></TD>")		
	w.WriteLine ("<TD><font face=Arial size=1 color=white> Target Path"_
	& "</font></TD>")
	w.WriteLine ("<TD><font face=Arial size=1 color=white> Updated to"_
	& "</font></TD>")
	w.WriteLine ("</TR>")
If ChangePathFrom = "" Then
	wscript.echo "You have not specified a source string to change."
	Call Cserver
ElseIf ChangePathTo = "" Then 
	wscript.echo "You have not specified a new string name to"_
	& " replace" & Chr(34) & ChangePathFrom & Chr(34) & " with."
	Call Nserver
ElseIf CheckFolder = "" Then
	wscript.echo "You must specify a root folder to begin your"_
	& " search from."
	Call CFolder
End If
'process the shortcuts
ModifyLinks CheckFolder
Sub ModifyLinks (foldername)
   dim file        'for stepping through the files collection        '
   dim folder      'for stepping through the subfolders collection   '
   dim fullname    'fully qualified link file name                   '
   dim link        'object connected to the link file                '
   'process all the files in the folder
   For each file in fso.GetFolder(foldername).Files
     'check only link files
     If strcomp(right(,4),".lnk",vbTexctCompare) = 0 then
         'Find full path of shortcut
         fullname = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(file)
         'Find full path of target within shortcut
         set link = wso.CreateShortcut(fullname)
         targetpath = LCase(link.targetpath)
         oldfull = fullname
	 oldlink = targetpath
 	 newlink = "Not Updated"
	'Displays current shortcut that is being checked (good for
	' troubleshooting the script).
	'If Silent = 0 Then 
		'MsgBox "Checking shortcut: " & fullname & "." & VBCrlf_
		'& "Shortcut target: " & targetpath
	'End If
    'If the current server (one you want to change) is found in the
    ' target path, then run the following code
    If InStr(1, targetpath, ChangePathFrom) > 0 Then 
	sChangeTargetTo = ""
	sChangePathTo = ""
	'Set numerical length of full target path
	VarLengthPath = Len(targetpath)
	'Set numerical length of ChangePathFrom
	VarLengthCPF = Len(ChangePathFrom)
	'Find out what's between character 0 and where changepathfrom starts
	VarBeginPath = InStr(1, targetpath, ChangePathFrom)
	'Subtract 1 from where it begins (all text begins at 1 in a string)
	'This is so you will have a '0' value if you type in a root drive or 
	'UNC to replace - there shouldn't be anything that appears before 
	''c:\' or '\\server' etc.
	VarBeginPath = VarBeginPath - 1
	'Parse actual text prior to search string to replace
	BeginPath = Null
	BeginPath = Left(targetpath, VarBeginPath)
	'wscript.echo "VarBeginPath is: " & VarBeginPath & ".  " & BeginPath
	'Find out how many characters are left after subtracting the beginpath 
	'and search strings from the whole path
	VarEndPath = VarLengthPath - (VarBeginPath + VarLengthCPF)
	'Find out what text appears after the search string
	EndPath = Right(targetpath, VarEndPath)
	'wscript.echo EndPath
        workingpath = link.workingdirectory
	'Set variable to text before/search string/text after, so you get
	'something like: c:\stuffbeforestring\mysearchstring\stuffafterstring
	'or c:\temp\docs\mysearchstring\test.doc
        sChangePathTo = BeginPath & ChangePathTo & EndPath
        'wscript.echo "ChangePathTo is: " & ChangePathTo
	'If there is no working directory, then text will show 'not set' during
	'script execution
	If workingpath = "" Then
		workingpath = "not set"
	End If
	'if you are running in verbose mode, you will be prompted with
	'each shortcut and working folder.
	If Silent = 0 Then
		MyVar = MsgBox ("Path contains " & Chr(34) & ChangePathFrom & "." & Chr(34) & ""_
		& "  LNK file's full target path is: "_
		& targetpath & "." & "  Working path is "_
		& workingpath & ".",64, fullname)
	End If
	'Sometimes shortcuts don't have working dirs (not sure why)
	'If there is a working dir, then run following code
	If workingpath <> "not set" Then 
		VarBeginPath = InStr(1, workingpath, ChangePathFrom)
		If VarBeginPath > 0 Then
			VarBeginPath = VarBeginPath - 1
		End If
		'Parse actual text prior to search string to replace
		BeginPath = Null
		'wscript.echo "VarBeginPath " & VarBeginPath
		BeginPath = Left(workingpath, VarBeginPath)
		'wscript.echo "Working beginpath is: " & BeginPath
		'Set numerical length of working directory
		VarLengthWorking = Len(link.workingdirectory)
		VarEndPath = VarLengthWorking - (VarBeginPath + VarLengthCPF)
		'wscript.echo "Working path number count is: " & varlengthworking & ""_
		'& VBCRLF & "working path end 
		'wscript.echo "VarEndPath = " & VarEndPath & " = " & VarLengthWorking & ""_
		'& " - (" & VarBeginPath & " + " & VarLengthCPF & ")"
		'Find out what text appears after the search string
		If VarEndPath >= 0 Then
			EndPath = Right(workingpath, VarEndPath)
			sChangeTargetTo = BeginPath & ChangePathTo & EndPath
			'wscript.echo "ChangeTargetTo is: " & sChangeTargetTo
			WorkingMSG = "Also change working directory to " & sChangeTargetTo & "?"
		End If
		'wscript.echo "End of working folder :" & EndPath
		link.workingdirectory = ""
		WorkingMSG = "No working directory will be set at this time."
	End If
	'wscript.echo "Path of shortcut is " & targetpath & ""_
	'& VBCRLF & ".  Working folder is " & workingpath & "."
	'Display input box to modify each shortcut as the script finds them
	If Silent = 0 Then
		ModifyPath = InputBox ("Modifying " & fullname & "." & VBCRLF & ""_
		& VBCRLF & "Modify path for " & targetpath & " "_
		& "and replace with " & sChangePathTo & "?" & VBCRLF & VBCRLF & ""_
		& WorkingMSG,""_
		& "Type 'yes' to modify")
 	ElseIf Silent >= 1 Then 
 		ModifyPath = "yes"
 	End If	
 		If ModifyPath = "yes" Then
			bgcolor = "#99CCFF"
			'Set link target path attribute to 
			link.targetpath = Chr(34) & sChangePathTo & Chr(34)
			newlink = link.targetpath
		        'wscript.echo newlink
		        If VarLengthWorking <> "" Then
				'Set link working dir attribute to 
				' \\ChangePathToname\workingpath
				link.workingdirectory = Chr(34) & sChangeTargetTo & Chr(34)
			End If
		'Save the shortcut with the new information
		'If answer above is anything but yes, the script will proceed 
		' to the next shortcut
		End if
	'Clear link variable
      MyPos = 0
      MyPosEnd = 0
      End if
      'write output to logfile
      Call WriteEntry   
End If
   'process all the subfolders in the folder
   For each folder in fso.GetFolder(foldername).Subfolders
      call ModifyLinks(folder.path)
End Sub
' Function WriteEntry to write change history to logfile in outputfile path 
Function WriteEntry
   If newlink <> "0" Then
	w.WriteLine ("<TR bgcolor=" & Chr(34) & bgcolor & Chr(34) & ">")
	w.WriteLine ("<TD><font face=Arial color=#000033 size=1>" & ""_
	& oldfull & "</font></TD>")		
	w.WriteLine ("<TD><font face=Arial color=#000033 size=1>" & ""_
	& oldlink & "</font></TD>")
	w.WriteLine ("<TD><font face=Arial color=#000033 size=1>" & ""_
	& newlink & "</font></TD>")
	w.WriteLine ("</TR>")
   oldfull = "0"
   newlink = "0"
   oldlink = "0"
   bgcolor = "white"
   End If
End Function
'Function to see if outputfile already exists
Function CheckFileExists(sFileName)
Dim FileSystemObject
Set FileSystemObject = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If (FileSystemObject.FileExists(sFileName)) Then
	CheckFileExists = True
	CheckFileExists = False
End If
Set FileSystemObject = Nothing
End Function
w.Writeline ("</html>")
'if silent = 2, then it will not open the log file
If Silent <= 1 Then
	'set command variable with path in quotes (for long filenames)
	Command = Chr(34) & OutputFile & Chr(34)
	'run htm file in your default browser
	wso.Run Command
End If
vbs/bulkshortcutrebuild.1398769387.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/04/29 13:03 by gfsadministrator