====== Arrowverse ====== {{:series:schermata_2020-02-01_alle_14.50.48.png?600|}}\\ Come affrontare correttamente l'ArrowVerse, ripulito da webseries / speciali / altro non trasmesso in Italia. Includo solo Arrow, Flash, Supergirl e Legends of Tomorrow. Divido in 4 colonne l'ordine degli episodi, parti quindi dalla colonna più a sinistra e termina con quella più a destra.\\ Grazie a https://www.fumettologica.it/2018/01/arrowverse-ordine/ ===== Arrow S01 ===== * Arrow 1.01 * Arrow 1.02 * Arrow 1.03 * Arrow 1.04 * Arrow 1.05 * Arrow 1.06 * Arrow 1.07 * Arrow 1.08 * Arrow 1.09 * Arrow 1.10 * Arrow 1.11 * Arrow 1.12 * Arrow 1.13 * Arrow 1.14 * Arrow 1.15 * Arrow 1.16 * Arrow 1.17 * Arrow 1.18 * Arrow 1.19 * Arrow 1.20 * Arrow 1.21 * Arrow 1.22 * Arrow 1.23 ===== Arrow S02 ===== * Arrow 2.01 * Arrow 2.02 * Arrow 2.03 * Arrow 2.04 * Arrow 2.05 * Arrow 2.06 * Arrow 2.07 * Arrow 2.08 * Arrow 2.09 * Arrow 2.10 * Arrow 2.11 * Arrow 2.12 * Arrow 2.13 * Arrow 2.14 * Arrow 2.15 * Arrow 2.16 * Arrow 2.17 * Arrow 2.18 * Arrow 2.19 * Arrow 2.20 * Arrow 2.21 * Arrow 2.22 * Arrow 2.23 ===== Arrow S03, The Flash S01 ===== * Arrow 3.01 * Arrow 3.02 * The Flash 1.01 * The Flash 1.02 * The Flash 1.03 * Arrow 3.03 * The Flash 1.04 * Arrow 3.04 * Arrow 3.05 * The Flash 1.0 * Arrow 3.06 * The Flash 1.06 * Arrow 3.07 * The Flash 1.07 * The Flash 1.08 * Arrow 3.08 * The Flash 1.09 * Arrow 3.09 * The Flash 1.10 * Arrow 3.10 * The Flash 1.11 * Arrow 3.11 * The Flash 1.12 * Arrow 3.12 * The Flash 1.13 * The Flash 1.14 * Arrow 3.13 * Arrow 3.14 * The Flash 1.15 * The Flash 1.16 * The Flash 1.17 * Arrow 3.15 * Arrow 3.16 * The Flash 1.18 * The Flash 1.19 * Arrow 3.17 * Arrow 3.18 * Arrow 3.19 * Arrow 3.20 * The Flash 1.20 * The Flash 1.21 * Arrow 3.21 * Arrow 3.22 * The Flash 1.22 * Arrow 3.23 * The Flash 1.23 ===== Arrow S04, The Flash S02, Leg. of Tomorrow S01, Supergirl S01 ===== * Arrow 4.01 * The Flash 2.01 * The Flash 2.02 * Arrow 4.02 * The Flash 2.03 * Arrow 4.03 * Arrow 4.04 * Supergirl 1.01 * Supergirl 1.02 * The Flash 2.04 * The Flash 2.05 * Arrow 4.05 * Arrow 4.06 * Supergirl 1.03 * The Flash 2.06 * Arrow 4.07 * Supergirl 1.04 * Supergirl 1.05 * Supergirl 1.06 * The Flash 2.07 * The Flash 2.08 * Arrow 4.08 * Arrow 4.09 * Arrow 4.10 * The Flash 2.09 * The Flash 2.10 * Leg. of Tomorrow 1.01 * Leg. of Tomorrow 1.02 * Leg. of Tomorrow 1.03 * The Flash 2.11 * Arrow 4.11 * Supergirl 1.07 * The Flash 2.12 * Arrow 4.12 * Arrow 4.13 * Supergirl 1.08 * The Flash 2.13 * The Flash 2.14 * The Flash 2.15 * Leg. of Tomorrow 1.04 * Leg. of Tomorrow 1.05 * Leg. of Tomorrow 1.06 * Arrow 4.14 * Arrow 4.15 * Supergirl 1.09 * Leg. of Tomorrow 1.07 * Leg. of Tomorrow 1.08 * Leg. of Tomorrow 1.09 * The Flash 2.16 * Arrow 4.16 * Supergirl 1.10 * Supergirl 1.11 * Supergirl 1.12 * Supergirl 1.13 * The Flash 2.17 * Supergirl 1.14 * Supergirl 1.15 * Arrow 4.17 * Arrow 4.18 * Arrow 4.19 * Leg. of Tomorrow 1.10 * Supergirl 1.16 * Supergirl 1.17 * Supergirl 1.18 * The Flash 2.18 * Supergirl 1.19 * Supergirl 1.20 * Leg. of Tomorrow 1.11 * Leg. of Tomorrow 1.12 * The Flash 2.19 * Leg. of Tomorrow 1.13 * Leg. of Tomorrow 1.14 * Leg. of Tomorrow 1.15 * Arrow 4.20 * Arrow 4.21 * Arrow 4.22 * Leg. of Tomorrow 1.16 * Arrow 4.23 * The Flash 2.20 * The Flash 2.21 * The Flash 2.22 * The Flash 2.23 ===== Arrow S05, The Flash S03, Leg. of Tomorrow S02 e Supergirl S02 ===== * Supergirl 2.01 * Supergirl 2.02 * Supergirl 2.03 * Supergirl 2.04 * Supergirl 2.05 * Supergirl 2.06 * The Flash 3.01 * The Flash 3.02 * The Flash 3.03 * The Flash 3.04 * The Flash 3.05 * The Flash 3.06 * The Flash 3.07 * Supergirl 2.07 * Arrow 5.01 * Arrow 5.02 * Leg. of Tomorrow 2.01 * Leg. of Tomorrow 2.02 * Leg. of Tomorrow 2.03 * Arrow 5.03 * Arrow 5.04 * Arrow 5.05 * Leg. of Tomorrow 2.04 * Arrow 5.06 * Leg. of Tomorrow 2.05 * Arrow 5.07 * Leg. of Tomorrow 2.06 * Supergirl 2.08 * The Flash 3.08 * Arrow 5.08 * Leg. of Tomorrow 2.07 * The Flash 2.09 * Arrow 5.09 * Arrow 5.10 * Leg. of Tomorrow 2.08 * Leg. of Tomorrow 2.09 * Leg. of Tomorrow 2.10 * Leg. of Tomorrow 2.11 * Supergirl 2.09 * The Flash 3.10 * Supergirl 2.10 * The Flash 3.11 * Arrow 5.11 * Supergirl 2.11 * The Flash 3.12 * Arrow 5.12 * Supergirl 2.12 * Supergirl 2.13 * Supergirl 2.14 * Arrow 5.13 * The Flash 3.13 * The Flash 3.14 * Leg. of Tomorrow 2.12 * Leg. of Tomorrow 2.13 * Arrow 5.14 * Arrow 5.15 * Supergirl 2.15 * The Flash 3.15 * The Flash 3.16 * Leg. of Tomorrow 2.14 * Arrow 5.16 * Supergirl 2.16 * The Flash 3.17 * Leg. of Tomorrow 2.15 * Arrow 5.17 * Arrow 5.18 * Supergirl 2.17 * The Flash 3.18 * The Flash 3.19 * The Flash 3.20 * The Flash 3.21 * The Flash 3.22 * The Flash 3.23 * Arrow 5.19 * Arrow 5.20 * Leg. of Tomorrow 2.16 * Leg. of Tomorrow 2.17 * Supergirl 2.18 * Supergirl 2.19 * Supergirl 2.20 * Supergirl 2.21 * Supergirl 2.22 * Arrow 5.21 * Arrow 5.22 * Arrow 5.23 ===== Arrow S06, The Flash S04, Supergirl S03, Leg. of Tomorrow S03 ===== * Leg. of Tomorrow 3.01 * Arrow 6.01 * Arrow 6.02 * Arrow 6.03 * Supergirl 3.01 * The Flash 4.01 * The Flash 4.02 * Supergirl 3.02 * Leg. of Tomorrow 3.02 * Supergirl 3.03 * The Flash 4.03 * Leg. of Tomorrow 3.03 * Arrow 6.04 * Supergirl 3.04 * The Flash 4.04 * Leg. of Tomorrow 3.04 * Leg. of Tomorrow 3.05 * Supergirl 3.05 * Supergirl 3.06 * The Flash 4.05 * Arrow 6.05 * Arrow 6.06 * The Flash 4.06 * The Flash 4.07 * Leg. of Tomorrow 3.06 * Supergirl 3.07 * Leg. of Tomorrow 3.07 * Arrow 6.07 * Supergirl 3.08 * Arrow 6.08 * The Flash 4.08 * Leg. of Tomorrow 3.08 * Arrow 6.09 * Supergirl 3.09 * The Flash 4.09 * Leg. of Tomorrow 3.09 * Leg. of Tomorrow 3.10 * Supergirl 3.10 * Supergirl 3.11 * The Flash 4.10 * Arrow 6.10 * Leg. of Tomorrow 3.11 * The Flash 4.11 * Arrow 6.11 * Leg. of Tomorrow 3.12 * Leg. of Tomorrow 3.13 * Supergirl 3.12 * Supergirl 3.13 * The Flash 4.12 * Arrow 6.12 * The Flash 4.13 * Arrow 6.13 * Supergirl 3.14 * Supergirl 3.15 * Supergirl 3.16 * Supergirl 3.17 * Supergirl 3.18 * Supergirl 3.19 * Supergirl 3.20 * Supergirl 3.21 * Supergirl 3.22 * Supergirl 3.23 * Leg. of Tomorrow 3.14 * Leg. of Tomorrow 3.15 * Leg. of Tomorrow 3.16 * Leg. of Tomorrow 3.17 * Leg. of Tomorrow 3.18 * The Flash 4.14 * Arrow 6.14 * Arrow 6.15 * The Flash 4.15 * The Flash 4.16 * Arrow 6.16 * Arrow 6.17 * Arrow 6.18 * The Flash 4.17 * The Flash 4.18 * The Flash 4.19 * Arrow 6.19 * Arrow 6.20 * The Flash 4.20 * Arrow 6.21 * The Flash 4.21 * Arrow 6.22 * Arrow 6.23 * The Flash 4.22 * The Flash 4.23 ===== Arrow S07, The Flash S05, Legends of Tomorrow S04, Supergirl S04 ===== * The Flash 5.01 * The Flash 5.02 * The Flash 5.03 * Supergirl 4.01 * The Flash 5.04 * Supergirl 4.02 * Supergirl 4.03 * The Flash 5.05 * Supergirl 4.04 * Supergirl 4.05 * The Flash 5.06 * Leg. of Tomorrow 4.01 * Leg. of Tomorrow 4.02 * Arrow 7.01 * Arrow 7.02 * Arrow 7.03 * Leg. of Tomorrow 4.03 * Arrow 7.04 * Leg. of Tomorrow 4.04 * The Flash 5.07 * Supergirl 4.06 * Leg. of Tomorrow 4.05 * Supergirl 4.07 * Leg. of Tomorrow 4.06 * Arrow 7.05 * Arrow 7.06 * Arrow 7.07 * The Flash 5.08 * Supergirl 4.08 * Arrow 7.08 * The Flash 5.09 * Arrow 7.09 * Supergirl 4.09 * Leg. of Tomorrow 4.07 * Leg. of Tomorrow 4.08 * Leg. of Tomorrow 4.09 * Leg. of Tomorrow 4.10 * The Flash 5.10 * Leg. of Tomorrow 4×11 * Supergirl 4×10 * Leg. of Tomorrow 4.12 * Arrow 7.10 * Leg. of Tomorrow 4.13 * The Flash 5.11 * Supergirl 4.11 * Arrow 7.11 * The Flash 5.12 * Arrow 7.12 * Arrow 7.13 * The Flash 5.13 * The Flash 5.14 * Supergirl 4.12 * Supergirl 4.13 * Arrow 7.14 * The Flash 5.15 * Supergirl 4.14 * Supergirl 4.15 * Supergirl 4.16 * Supergirl 4.17 * Supergirl 4.18 * Arrow 7.15 * Arrow 7.16 * Supergirl 4.19 * The Flash 5.16 * The Flash 5.17 * The Flash 5.18 * The Flash 5.19 * Arrow 7.17 * Arrow 7.18 * Arrow 7.19