{{ :ibmdomino:ibmdomino:microsoft.excel_1_.jpg?nolink&90|}}====== Esporta contatti in Excel ====== I codici qui di seguito, se inseriti all'interno di un database di rubrica (locale o su server che sia) permettono di esportare una lista ordinata dei contatti (selezionati o completi all'interno della vista) in un formato Excel già ordinato. Molto più comodo rispetto all'esportazione del file CSV da lavorare poi in seguito. ==== Codice agente: ExportToExcel ==== **TYPE**: LotusScript (New Script Library)\\ **NAME**: ExportToExcel\\ **POSITION**: Code / Script Libraries '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Export To Excel 2.0 - last modified May 23rd, 2002 ' written by Ken Pespisa (kpespisa@attbi.com) ' copyright 2002 '---------------------------------------------------------------------- Option Public Option Declare Dim w As NotesUIWorkspace Dim s As NotesSession Dim db As NotesDatabase Dim dc As NotesDocumentCollection Dim docProfile As NotesDocument Dim docExportProfile As NotesDocument Dim view As NotesView Dim form As NotesForm Dim excelNewWkbk As Variant Dim excelSheet As Variant Dim excelApp As Variant Dim vtFileName As Variant Dim vtColumns As Variant Dim vtColumnOrder As Variant Dim vtColumnNames As Variant Dim arrColumnNames() As String Dim sSourceType As String Dim sSourceName As String Dim x As Integer Dim y As Integer Dim iNumColumns As Integer Dim iCount As Integer Dim iSortBy1 As Integer Dim iSortBy2 As Integer Dim iSortBy3 As Integer Dim iNumSortColumns As Integer Dim iSelectedOnly As Integer Dim iGroupFirstColumn As Integer Dim iTabFirstColumn As Integer Dim iCurrentViewExists As Integer Dim iSelectDistinct As Integer Dim iUseDefaults As Integer 'Error Constants Public Const ErrOLEException = 213 'Excel Automation Constants Const XLYES = 1 Const EXCEL_XLDOWN = -4121 Const EXCEL_XLSOLID = 1 Const XLSHEETVISIBLE = -1 Const XLWORKSHEET = -4167 'Default Export Option variables Dim sMultiValueSeparator As String Dim dWorksheetRowHeight As Double Dim dMaximumColumnWidth As Double Dim iPromptForSelectedExportType As Integer Const CURRENTVIEW_TYPE = "0" Const VIEW_TYPE = "1" Const FORM_TYPE = "2" Const MULTI_VALUE_SEPARATOR = ", " Const SHEET_ROWHEIGHT = 13.5 Const MAX_COLUMN_WIDTH = 50 Const PROMPT_FOR_SELECTED_EXPORT_TYPE = False Public Function StripJunk(myText As String) As String 'Function to return a string without unnecessary 'characters or words, as defined in the junkList array. 'This function is used to make sure the name of a tab (sheet) in 'excel is valid If myText = "" Then Exit Function Dim junkList() As String Dim newText As String Redim junkList(6) junkList(0) = ":" junkList(1) = "\" junkList(2) = "/" junkList(3) = "?" junkList(4) = "*" junkList(5) = "[" junkList(6) = "]" Dim nextPosition As Integer Dim currentPosition As Integer Dim distance As Integer Dim lengthText As Integer Dim testBit As Integer currentPosition = 1 newText = myText testBit = Asc(Right(myText, 1)) For X = 0 To Ubound(junkList) - 1 Do nextPosition = Instr(currentPosition, newText, junkList(X), 5) If nextPosition = 0 Then Exit Do End If newText = Left(newText, nextPosition - 1) & Right(newText, (Len(newText) - nextPosition) - (Len(junkList(X)) - 1)) currentPosition = nextPosition Loop currentPosition = 1 Next StripJunk = newText End Function Sub DoFormExport() Dim lngCount As Long Dim lngTotal As Long Dim doc As NotesDocument Dim arrCellValues() As Variant Dim vtColumnvalue As Variant On Error Goto DoExportErrorTrap '----------------------------------------------------------------- ' Subroutine that exports data from view to Excel. '----------------------------------------------------------------- 'Insert Titles For x = 0 To iNumColumns - 1 excelSheet.Cells(1, x + 1).value = vtColumnNames(x) Next '----------------------------------------------------------------- ' Start export. Get total number of entries for use in ' UpdateStatusBar function. '----------------------------------------------------------------- lngCount = 2 'First Document starts at row 2 Dim ndt As New NotesDateTime("01/01/1980") Set dc = db.Search(|Form = "| & form.Name & |"|, ndt, 0) Set doc = dc.GetFirstDocument 'Get total number of entries lngTotal = dc.Count '----------------------------------------------------------------- '----------------------------------------------------------------- While Not (doc Is Nothing) Call UpdateStatusBar(lngCount - 1, lngTotal) 'Redimension array to hold next row (clear old values) Redim arrCellValues(iNumColumns - 1) 'Loop through all fields in document For x = 0 To iNumColumns - 1 If doc.HasItem(vtColumnNames(x)) Then 'Set column value to variant in case it is multi-value. vtColumnValue = doc.GetItemValue(vtColumnNames(x)) 'If column has multi-values, concatenate all values before export. If Isarray(vtColumnValue) Then For y = 0 To Ubound(vtColumnValue) If y > 0 Then arrCellValues(x) = arrCellValues(x) & sMultiValueSeparator & vtColumnValue(y) Else arrCellValues(x) = vtColumnValue(y) End If Next Else arrCellValues(x) = vtColumnValue End If Else arrCellValues(x) = "" End If Next 'Export row to excel. excelSheet.Range(excelSheet.Cells(lngCount, 1), _ excelSheet.Cells(lngCount, iNumColumns)).value = arrCellValues 'Update count of processed view entries. lngCount = lngCount + 1 Set doc = dc.GetNextDocument(doc) Wend Exit Sub DoExportErrorTrap: Msgbox "ERROR on line " & Cstr(Erl) & " (" & Cstr(Err) & ") - " & Error$ Exit Sub End Sub Sub ExportViewToExcel(sType As String) '----------------------------------------------------------------- ' Main script for exporting a view to Excel. ' ' The script determines the mode selected. It can either be all ' documents in view, or just selected documents. Then the user ' may be prompted to export the current view or a customized view. ' You can turn off that prompt using the PROMPT_FOR_CUSTOM_VIEW ' constant found below. ' ' Once the view is chosen, the script determines the view column ' order. It skips hidden columns, response columns, and columns ' with formulas equal to "". If customizable view is chosen, the ' user can select which columns to export, the order to export them, ' and what sort order they're given. '----------------------------------------------------------------- On Error Goto ErrorTrap Dim taskID As Integer Dim sRun As String Dim sResponse As String Dim arrColumnOrder() As Integer Set s = New Notessession Set w = New NotesUIWorkspace Set db = s.CurrentDatabase 'Get Export Options Document Call GetExportOptions() 'Get Current View If w.CurrentView Is Nothing Then iCurrentViewExists = False Else iCurrentViewExists = True Set view = w.CurrentView.View End If 'If Custom Export chosen, prompt user for which source to use. If sType = "Custom" Then sResponse = GetExportSource If sResponse = "" Then Exit Sub Else If Not iCurrentViewExists Then Msgbox "Unable to export view because no view found. This may" & _ " occur if the current view is an embedded view.", 16, "Unable to Export" Exit Sub Else sResponse = "Current View -- " & view.Name & Space(150) & "$$$" & "0" & view.Name End If End If 'Determine type of source chosen by user and get columns sSourceType = Left(Strrightback(sResponse, "$$$"), 1) Select Case sSourceType Case CURRENTVIEW_TYPE: 'we already have the view sSourceName = view.Name Case VIEW_TYPE: 'Get the view from current database Set view = db.GetView(Strrightback(sResponse, "$$$" & sSourceType)) sSourceName = view.Name Case FORM_TYPE: 'Export based on Form. Get form from current database Set form = db.GetForm(Strrightback(sResponse, "$$$" & sSourceType)) sSourceName = form.Name End Select 'Get columns that can be exported based from the source vtColumns = GetColumnsFromSource() If sType = "Custom" Then 'custom export 'Allow user to customize what columns are exported and in what order. vtColumnOrder = CustomizeExport If Isempty(vtColumnOrder) Then Exit Sub 'Get number of columns iNumColumns = Ubound(vtColumnOrder) + 1 'Get Array of Column Titles in custom order Redim vtColumnNames(iNumColumns - 1) For x = 0 To iNumColumns - 1 vtColumnNames(x) = Trim(Strleft(arrColumnNames(vtColumnOrder(x)), "$$$")) Next Else 'current view, either all or selected 'Get order that columns will be exported in iCount = 0 For x = 0 To Ubound(vtColumns) 'Remove any hidden columns or columns that are icons If Not (vtColumns(x).Ishidden Or vtColumns(x).IsIcon) Then Redim Preserve arrColumnOrder(iCount) arrColumnOrder(iCount) = x 'set to export column iCount = iCount + 1 End If Next vtColumnOrder = arrColumnOrder 'Get number of columns iNumColumns = Ubound(vtColumnOrder) + 1 'Disable sort iNumSortColumns = 0 'Get Array of Column Titles Redim vtColumnNames(iNumColumns - 1) For x = 0 To iNumColumns - 1 vtColumnNames(x) = vtColumns(vtColumnOrder(x)).Title Next End If 'Set selected only mode iSelectedOnly = False If sType = "Selected" Then iSelectedOnly = True Set dc = db.UnprocessedDocuments If view.IsCategorized Then If iPromptForSelectedExportType Then x = Msgbox ("You have chosen to export selected documents only. " & _ "In categorized views, documents may appear more than once under " & _ "different categories. Would you like to export all occurances of " & _ "selected documents or just the first occurance?" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & _ "If you'd like to export all occurances, choose (Yes)" & Chr(10) & _ "If you'd like to export only the first occurance, choose (No)" & Chr(10) & _ "If you are unsure, the recommended choice is (Yes).", 32 + 4, "Handling " & _ "Multiple Occurances of Selected Documents.") If x = 7 Then iSelectDistinct = True End If Else iSelectDistinct = True End If End If End If 'Create Excel Object and prompt user for workbook name If CreateExcelObject = False Then Exit Sub End If 'Do Export Select Case sSourceType Case CURRENTVIEW_TYPE, VIEW_TYPE: Call DoViewExport() Case FORM_TYPE: Call DoFormExport() End Select 'Run sorting procedures Print "Sorting Records..." Select Case iNumSortColumns '(Key1, Order1, Key2, Type, Order2, Key3, Order3, Header, _ 'OrderCustom, MatchCase, Orientation, SortMethod) Case 1: Call excelSheet.UsedRange.Sort(excelSheet.Cells(1, iSortBy1), , _ , , , , , XLYES) Case 2: Call excelSheet.UsedRange.Sort(excelSheet.Cells(1, iSortBy1), , _ excelSheet.Cells(1, iSortBy2), , , , , XLYES) Case 3: Call excelSheet.UsedRange.Sort(excelSheet.Cells(1, iSortBy1), , _ excelSheet.Cells(1, iSortBy2), , , excelSheet.Cells(1, iSortBy3), , XLYES) End Select 'Tidy Up by making title row bold and setting columns to autofit Print "Tidying up spreadsheet..." Call TidyUpSpreadsheet 'Format by Tab if necessary If iTabFirstColumn Then Call FormatByTab End If 'Format by Group if necessary If iGroupFirstColumn Then Call FormatByGroup End If 'Finish and give user option to open workbook. Print "Saving spreadsheet..." excelNewWkbk.Save excelNewWkbk.Close Print "Finished." x = Msgbox("Would you like to Open the Excel Workbook Now?", 32 + 4, "Finished") If x = 6 Then sRun = excelApp.Path & "\excel.exe " & """" & vtFileName(0)& """" 'Msgbox sRun taskID = Shell(sRun, 3) End If Print Exit Sub ErrorTrap: Msgbox "ERROR on line " & Cstr(Erl) & " (" & Cstr(Err) & ") - " & Error$ 'Quit If Isobject(excelNewWkbk) Then excelNewWkbk.Save excelNewWkbk.Close End If If Isobject(excelApp) Then excelApp.Quit End If Exit Sub End Sub Sub DoViewExport() Dim lngCount As Long Dim lngTotal As Long Dim vn As NotesViewNavigator Dim ve As NotesViewEntry Dim vec As NotesViewEntryCollection Dim arrCellValues() As Variant Dim vtColumnvalue As Variant Dim docTest As NotesDocument Dim iFlattenView As Integer On Error Goto DoExportErrorTrap On Error 9 Goto SubscriptOutOfRangeTrap '----------------------------------------------------------------- ' Subroutine that exports data from view to Excel. '----------------------------------------------------------------- 'Insert Titles For x = 0 To iNumColumns - 1 excelSheet.Cells(1, x + 1).value = vtColumnNames(x) Next '----------------------------------------------------------------- ' Start export. Get total number of entries for use in ' UpdateStatusBar function. '----------------------------------------------------------------- lngCount = 2 'First Document starts at row 2 Set vn = view.CreateViewNav Set vec = view.AllEntries 'Get total number of entries If iSelectedOnly Then lngTotal = dc.Count Else lngTotal = vec.Count 'Msgbox Cstr(lngTotal) End If 'Check to see if we should flatten the view during export If iGroupFirstColumn = True Or iTabFirstColumn = True Or iNumSortColumns > 0 Then iFlattenView = True End If '----------------------------------------------------------------- ' Loop through all entries. If we're in selected only mode, see ' if the current entry's document is part of the unprocessed ' documents collection. If it is not, just skip that entry. ' For all other cases, process the view entry as follows: ' ' If entry is a category, output only the category column value ' for that row. ' If entry is a document, output all columns except any columns ' that are categories ' Skip all Total or Conflict type view entries. (code could be ' added later) '----------------------------------------------------------------- Set ve = vn.GetFirst While Not (ve Is Nothing) Call UpdateStatusBar(lngCount - 1, lngTotal) If iSelectedOnly Then Set docTest = Nothing 'reset test doc. If ve.IsDocument Then Set docTest = dc.GetDocument(ve.Document) If iSelectDistinct And Not docTest Is Nothing Then 'Removes document from documentcollection 'so that it won't be processed twice Call dc.DeleteDocument(docTest) End If End If End If If iSelectedOnly And docTest Is Nothing Then 'Do Nothing Else 'Redimension array to hold next row (clear old values) Redim arrCellValues(iNumColumns - 1) Select Case -1 Case ve.IsCategory 'If user chose the group and/or tab formatting option and/or sorting options, 'we must flatten the view to make it work. If Not iFlattenView Then 'Loop through possible multi-value category column For x = 0 To Ubound(ve.ColumnValues) 'If column isn't part of the selected list of columns to export '(from Custom export only), then skip that column. Otherwise 'add that column in the appropriate position. If Not Isnull(Arraygetindex(vtColumnOrder, x)) Then arrCellValues(Arraygetindex(vtColumnOrder, x)) = ve.ColumnValues(x) End If Next 'Export row to excel excelSheet.Range(excelSheet.Cells(lngCount, 1), _ excelSheet.Cells(lngCount, iNumColumns)).value = arrCellValues 'Since the vec.count number doesn't include categories, we 'add one to the total entries so the status bar will update properly lngTotal = lngTotal + 1 Else 'To flatten the view we must ignore this view entry 'and not export any data lngCount = lngCount - 1 End If Case ve.IsConflict 'skip Case ve.IsTotal, ve.IsDocument 'Loop through all columns in view entry For x = 0 To iNumColumns - 1 'If the column is a category then don't show the category in this row, 'unless we're in Selected Only mode. In Selected Only mode, we must 'show the category or the category value won't make it to the export. 'Also, show the category on each row (thereby flattening the view) if 'user chose the group or tab formatting or sorting option. If vtColumns(vtColumnOrder(x)).IsCategory And Not iSelectedOnly _ And Not iFlattenView Then arrCellValues(x) = "" Else 'Set column value to variant in case it is multi-value. vtColumnValue = ve.ColumnValues(vtColumnOrder(x)) 'If column has multi-values, concatenate all values before export. If Isarray(vtColumnValue) Then For y = 0 To Ubound(vtColumnValue) 'Handle special case where dates before 1900 aren't allowed 'in Excel and would cause an error. If Isdate(vtColumnValue(y)) Then If vtColumnValue(y) < Datevalue("01/01/1900") Then vtColumnValue(y) = Cstr(vtColumnValue(y)) End If End If If y > 0 Then arrCellValues(x) = arrCellValues(x) & sMultiValueSeparator & vtColumnValue(y) Else arrCellValues(x) = vtColumnValue(y) End If Next Else 'Handle special case where dates before 1900 aren't allowed 'in Excel and would cause an error. If Isdate(vtColumnValue) Then If vtColumnValue < Datevalue("01/01/1900") Then vtColumnValue = Cstr(vtColumnValue) End If End If arrCellValues(x) = vtColumnValue End If End If Next 'Export row to excel. excelSheet.Range(excelSheet.Cells(lngCount, 1), _ excelSheet.Cells(lngCount, iNumColumns)).value = arrCellValues If ve.IsTotal Then 'Since the vec.count number doesn't include totals, we 'add one to the total entries so the status bar will update properly lngTotal = lngTotal + 1 End If End Select 'Update count of processed view entries. lngCount = lngCount + 1 End If 'Exit if all selected documents have been processed 'and user chose to select distinct only. If iSelectedOnly And iSelectDistinct Then If dc.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub End If Set ve = vn.GetNext(ve) Wend Exit Sub DoExportErrorTrap: Msgbox "ERROR on line " & Cstr(Erl) & " (" & Cstr(Err) & ") - " & Error$ Exit Sub SubscriptOutOfRangeTrap: Msgbox "ERROR on line " & Cstr(Erl) & " (" & Cstr(Err) & ") - " & Error$ & _ Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "This error is most likely to occur when a column being " & _ "exported has a formula that contains a constant value, such as a single " & _ "string. If you wish to export a constant value, you need to trick Notes " & _ "into thinking it is not a constant value by adding a dummy variable in your " & _ " formula, such as ""String"" + dummyvar." Exit Sub End Sub Function GetExportSource() As String Print "Getting Source of Export..." GetExportSource = "" Dim arrExportSources() As String Dim docCustomExport As NotesDocument iCount = 0 If iCurrentViewExists Then Redim arrExportSources(iCount) arrExportSources(iCount) = "Current View -- " & view.Name & Space(150) & "$$$" & _ CURRENTVIEW_TYPE & view.Name iCount = iCount + 1 End If If iUseDefaults = False Then 'Look for customizable views and forms and add to list If docExportProfile.HasItem("CustomizableViewList") Then If docExportProfile.CustomizableViewList(0) <> "" Then For x = 0 To Ubound(docExportProfile.CustomizableViewList) Redim Preserve arrExportSources(iCount) arrExportSources(iCount) = "View -- " & docExportProfile.CustomizableViewList(x) & _ Space(150) & "$$$" & VIEW_TYPE & docExportProfile.CustomizableViewList(x) iCount = iCount + 1 Next End If End If If docExportProfile.HasItem("CustomizableFormList") Then If docExportProfile.CustomizableFormList(0) <> "" Then For x = 0 To Ubound(docExportProfile.CustomizableFormList) Redim Preserve arrExportSources(iCount) arrExportSources(iCount) = "Form -- " & docExportProfile.CustomizableFormList(x) & _ Space(150) & "$$$" & FORM_TYPE & docExportProfile.CustomizableFormList(x) iCount = iCount + 1 Next End If End If End If 'Create new doc for dialog box Set docCustomExport = db.CreateDocument 'Load choices into dialog box docCustomExport.ExportChooseSourceList = arrExportSources 'Display Dialog to allow users to pick which source will be used for the export x = w.Dialogbox("(dlgChooseExportSource)", True, True, False, False, False, False, _ "Choose Source For Export", docCustomExport, False, False) If x <> False Then GetExportSource = Cstr(docCustomExport.ExportChooseSource(0)) End If Print "" End Function Sub TidyUpSpreadsheet() 'Set titles to bold excelSheet.Range("1:1").Font.Bold = True 'Auto fit columns, then reduce to max size excelSheet.Columns.AutoFit Dim myRange As Variant Set myRange = excelSheet.UsedRange.Columns Forall x In myRange If x.ColumnWidth > dMaximumColumnWidth Then x.ColumnWidth = dMaximumColumnWidth End If End Forall 'Set Rowheight if option has been specified. If dWorksheetRowHeight <> 0 Then excelSheet.UsedRange.RowHeight = dWorksheetRowHeight End If 'Name range excelSheet.UsedRange.Name = "NOTESDATA" End Sub Sub FormatByTab() Print "Formatting by sheet..." Dim sCellValue As String Dim sLastCellValue As String Dim lngStartRow As Long Dim lngCurrentRow As Long Dim lngEndRow As Long Dim lngEndColumn As Long Dim iSheetNum As Integer Dim myNewSheet As Variant Dim rangeTitles As Variant Dim rangeCopyFrom As Variant Dim rangeNewSheet As Variant Dim sNewName As String iSheetNum = 1 'Current Sheet lngStartRow = 2 'Start on row 2, since titles are on row 1 lngCurrentRow = lngStartRow sCellValue = excelSheet.Range("A" & Cstr(lngCurrentRow)).Text lngEndRow = excelSheet.UsedRange.End(EXCEL_XLDOWN).Row lngEndColumn = iNumColumns Set rangeTitles = excelSheet.Range(excelSheet.Cells(1, 2), excelSheet.Cells(1, lngEndColumn)) 'Loop through each row, if different value found, move to next sheet and 'name that sheet the new value. Continue until the end row is reached. 'Begin Loop While lngCurrentRow <= lngEndRow sLastCellValue = sCellValue sCellValue = excelSheet.Range("A" & Cstr(lngCurrentRow)).Text If sCellValue <> sLastCellValue Or lngCurrentRow = lngEndRow Then 'Create new sheet if it doesn't already exist iSheetNum = iSheetNum + 1 If iSheetNum <= 3 Then Set myNewSheet = excelApp.Worksheets(iSheetNum) 'myNewSheet.Activate Else Set myNewSheet = excelApp.Worksheets.Add(, excelApp.Worksheets(excelApp.Worksheets.Count), 1, XLWORKSHEET) 'myNewSheet.Activate End If 'Name first sheet equal to value from previous row sNewName = Left(StripJunk(sLastCellValue), 31) 'Limit 31 char for name If sNewName <> "" Then myNewSheet.Name = sNewName End If 'myNewSheet.Visible = XLSHEETVISIBLE 'Insert Title Row Set rangeNewSheet = myNewSheet.Range("A1") rangeTitles.Copy rangeNewSheet 'Cut contents of range to new sheet Set rangeNewSheet = myNewSheet.Range("A2") Set rangeCopyFrom = excelSheet.Range(excelSheet.Cells(lngStartRow, 2), excelSheet.Cells(lngCurrentRow - 1, lngEndColumn)) rangeCopyFrom.Copy rangeNewSheet 'Set new Start Row pointer lngStartRow = lngCurrentRow 'Run formatting on new sheet myNewSheet.Columns.AutoFit myNewSheet.UsedRange.Name = "NOTESDATA" End If lngCurrentRow = lngCurrentRow + 1 Wend 'Remove excelSheet excelSheet.Delete End Sub Sub BubbleSort(vtList) Dim tmpValue As Variant Dim x As Integer, y As Integer If Ubound(vtList) = 1 Then Exit Sub End If For x = 0 To Ubound(vtList) For y = (x + 1) To Ubound(vtList) On Error Resume Next If vtList(x) > vtList(y) Then tmpValue = vtList(x) vtList(x) = vtList(y) vtList(y) = tmpValue End If Next Next End Sub Function GetExportableViews() As Variant '----------------------------------------------------------------- ' Prompt user for choice of exportable views. Any view beginning ' with "(Exportable" in its title will be found. The alias of this ' view can be set to allow for a more presentable name of the view. ' For example, you might call the view "(Exportable Contacts)" with ' an alias of "Contacts". The word Contacts will appear to the user ' as the name of the customizable view. ' ' If no views are found, the script ends and the user is prompted ' to not choose Customizable view ' ' This script returns the NotesView chosen by the user. '----------------------------------------------------------------- Print "Finding Exportable Views..." Const VIEW_TYPE = "1" Dim arrExportViews() As String Dim sName As String 'Search database for customizable export views iCount = 0 Forall v In db.Views If Left(v.Name, 11) = "(Exportable" Then Redim Preserve arrExportViews(iCount) 'Get alias name if it exists, otherwise use view title. If Isempty(v.Aliases) Then sName = v.Name Else sName = v.Aliases(0) End If arrExportViews(iCount) = "View -- " & sName & Space(150) & "$$$" & VIEW_TYPE & sName iCount = iCount + 1 End If End Forall GetExportableViews = arrExportViews Print "" End Function Function GetColumnsFromSource() As Variant Dim arrColumns() As Variant Select Case sSourceType Case CURRENTVIEW_TYPE, VIEW_TYPE: 'Get Array of All Columns, but exclude any columns 'that have a formula equal to "". iCount = 0 For x = 0 To Ubound(view.Columns) If IsUIColumn(view.Columns(x)) Then 'Don't include this column Else 'Include the column Redim Preserve arrColumns(iCount) Set arrColumns(iCount) = view.Columns(x) iCount = iCount + 1 End If Next GetColumnsFromSource = arrColumns Case FORM_TYPE: iCount = 0 For x = 0 To Ubound(form.Fields) 'Include the field as a column choice Redim Preserve arrColumns(iCount) arrColumns(iCount) = form.Fields(x) iCount = iCount + 1 Next GetColumnsFromSource = arrColumns End Select End Function Function GetColumnTypes(view As NotesView) As Variant '---------------------------------------------------------------- ' Returns a variant that contains a 1 or 0 for each column ' ' 1 - the column is visible and should be exported. ' 0 - the column is hidden and should not be exported. '---------------------------------------------------------------- Dim vtColumnTypes() Dim iCount As Integer Dim iNumColumns As Integer iNumColumns = Ubound(view.Columns) Redim vtColumnTypes(iNumColumns) iCount = 0 Forall col In view.Columns If col.Ishidden Or col.IsIcon Then vtColumnTypes(iCount) = 0 'set to not export column Else vtColumnTypes(iCount) = 1 'set to export End If iCount = iCount + 1 End Forall GetColumnTypes = vtColumnTypes() End Function Sub FormatByGroup() Print "Formatting by group..." Dim sCellValue As String Dim sLastCellValue As String Dim lngRow As Long Dim lngEndRow As Long Dim iLastColumn As Integer If iTabFirstColumn Then iLastColumn = iNumColumns - 1 Else iLastColumn = iNumColumns End If iCount = 0 Forall sheet In excelApp.Worksheets Call sheet.Activate If sheet.UsedRange.Cells.Count > 1 Then 'Skip empty sheets iCount = iCount + 1 Print "Formatting by group... (Sheet " & Cstr(iCount) & " of " & Cstr(excelApp.Worksheets.Count) & ")" lngEndRow = sheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count 'Start on row 2, since titles are on row 1 sCellValue = "" sLastCellValue = "" lngRow = 2 'Begin Loop While lngRow <= lngEndRow sLastCellValue = sCellValue sCellValue = sheet.Range("A" & Cstr(lngRow)).Text Call sheet.Range("A" & Cstr(lngRow)).Clear If sCellValue <> sLastCellValue Then sheet.Range(sheet.Cells(Cstr(lngRow), 1), sheet.Cells(Cstr(lngRow), iLastColumn)).Select excelApp.Selection.Insert (EXCEL_XLDOWN) excelApp.Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 15 excelApp.Selection.Interior.Pattern = EXCEL_XLSOLID excelApp.Selection.Font.Bold = True sheet.Range("A" & Cstr(lngRow)).Value = sCellValue lngRow = lngRow + 2 lngEndRow = lngEndRow + 1 Else lngRow = lngRow + 1 End If Wend End If End Forall 'Activate sheet Call excelApp.Worksheets(1).Activate End Sub Sub GetExportOptions() sMultiValueSeparator = MULTI_VALUE_SEPARATOR dWorksheetRowHeight = SHEET_ROWHEIGHT dMaximumColumnWidth = MAX_COLUMN_WIDTH iPromptForSelectedExportType = PROMPT_FOR_SELECTED_EXPORT_TYPE Set docExportProfile = db.GetProfileDocument("Export Profile") If docExportProfile Is Nothing Then iUseDefaults = True Else iUseDefaults = False 'Get Options If Not iUseDefaults Then If docExportProfile.HasItem("MultipleValueSeparator") Then sMultiValueSeparator = docExportProfile.MultipleValueSeparator(0) End If If docExportProfile.HasItem("WorksheetRowHeight") Then dWorksheetRowHeight = docExportProfile.WorksheetRowHeight(0) End If If docExportProfile.HasItem("MaximumColumnWidth") Then dMaximumColumnWidth = docExportProfile.MaximumColumnWidth(0) End If If docExportProfile.HasItem("PromptForSelectedExportType") Then If docExportProfile.PromptForSelectedExportType(0) = "1" Then iPromptForSelectedExportType = True End If End If End If End Sub Function IsUIColumn(vtTestColumn As Variant) As Integer '----------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function to return True/False whether column formula is considered ' a UI only one. ' ' The DoExport routine uses the ColumnValues property of the NotesViewEntry ' which does not return any values for columns with UI only formulas, such ' as @IsExpandable and @DocNumber ' ' We use the Columns property of the View to return all the columns in ' the view we are going to export. Mainly this is needed to gain access ' to the titles of the columns for the export, as well as being vital to ' allowing users to customize the export. Then, in script, we need to remove ' any columns that won't be returned by the ColumnValues property, by ' checking each in this function. ' ' In future version of Lotus Notes, Lotus may add new UI only functions ' which will need to be added to the list we check. That can be done by ' adding another element in the arrUIFormula array used below. '----------------------------------------------------------------- IsUIColumn = False Dim arrUIFormula(6) As String Dim sTestFormula As String Dim z As Integer 'List of UI formulas that won't be picked up by ColumnValues property 'as taken from Notes Designer Help document named '"Formulas that look for values in columns and views" arrUIFormula(0) = "@IsExpandable" arrUIFormula(1) = "@DocNumber" arrUIFormula(2) = "@DocChildren" arrUIFormula(3) = "@DocDescendants" arrUIFormula(4) = "@DocParentNumber" arrUIFormula(5) = "@DocSiblings" arrUIFormula(6) = "@IsCategory" sTestFormula = vtTestColumn.Formula 'Test for any UI only formulas For z = 0 To Ubound(arrUIFormula) If Instr(1, sTestFormula, arrUIFormula(z), 5) <> 0 Then 'If we find a UI only formula in the column, exit the 'function and return true so the export script won't attempt 'to use that column. IsUIColumn = True Exit Function End If Next 'Test for a constant value that will be ignored by column search used by 'ColumnValues property. If vtTestColumn.IsFormula And Instr(1, sTestFormula, "@", 5) = 0 And _ Instr(1, sTestFormula, "+", 5) = 0 Then 'Possibly is a constant-value column formula. If so, the ColumnValues 'property will ignore it. ' 'To avoid this, we tested that the column value is a formula, thus 'ruling out a field only column formula. Also, we tested for the 'existance of an @ symbol or a + symbol which should most of the time 'mean that the formula is not a constant-value. The only cases that 'are likely to result in true are cases where the column formula is 'equal to a single string, such as "String". In this case we'll set 'IsUIColumn to true because the ColumnValues property will ignore it. ' 'Likely the worst case is that the column is considered a UI only 'column and its title is not exported, but the data will still be 'exported in the DoExport routine because the ColumnValues property 'will return it. In that case, the titles in the spreadsheet will be 'skewed, but at least the application won't crash. IsUIColumn = True Exit Function End If End Function Function CustomizeExport() As Variant '------------------------------------------------------------------ ' Presents user with a dialog box where he/she can choose what fields ' are going to be exported and in what order. ' ' The field names are taken from the name of each column in the view. '------------------------------------------------------------------ Dim docCustomExport As NotesDocument Dim iHasCategories As Integer iTabFirstColumn = False iGroupFirstColumn = False 'Create new doc for dialog box Set docCustomExport = db.CreateDocument 'Load dialog box with column names and order Redim arrColumnNames(Ubound(vtColumns)) Select Case sSourceType Case CURRENTVIEW_TYPE, VIEW_TYPE: For x = 0 To Ubound(vtColumns) If vtColumns(x).Title = "" Then arrColumnNames(x) = "Column" & Cstr(x) & Space(150) & "$$$" & Cstr(x) Else 'Begin CHARM only code (should not be included in version for Iris Sandbox) 'Check if column title should be calculated rather than taken from view If Lcase(Left(vtColumns(x).Title, 7)) = "lookup=" Then 'If all else fails, make sure dialog box gets default column title arrColumnNames(x) = "UDF Column" & Cstr(x) & Space(150) & "$$$" & Cstr(x) 'Try to perform lookup as described by column title 'Format should be Lookup=; Dim docProfile As NotesDocument Dim sTitle As String Dim itemLookup As Notesitem sTitle = Right(vtColumns(x).Title, Len(vtColumns(x).Title) - 7) Set docProfile = db.GetProfileDocument(Strleft(sTitle, ";")) If Not docProfile Is Nothing Then Set itemLookup = docProfile.Getfirstitem(Strright(sTitle, ";")) If Not itemLookup Is Nothing Then arrColumnNames(x) = itemLookup.Text & Space(150) & "$$$" & Cstr(x) End If End If Else 'End CHARM only code arrColumnNames(x) = vtColumns(x).Title & Space(150) & "$$$" & Cstr(x) End If End If Next Case FORM_TYPE: Call BubbleSort(vtColumns) For x = 0 To Ubound(vtColumns) arrColumnNames(x) = vtColumns(x) & Space(50) & "$$$" & Cstr(x) Next End Select 'Set Listbox Fields docCustomExport.ExportSourceListData = arrColumnNames docCustomExport.ExportSelectListData = "" 'Display Dialog to allow users to choose columns, column order 'and sort order. x = w.Dialogbox("(dlgCustomExport)", True, True, False, False, False, False, _ "Choose Fields For Export", docCustomExport, False, False) If x = False Then Exit Function 'Return Column Order Dim arrColumnOrder() As Integer Redim arrColumnOrder(Ubound(docCustomExport.ExportColumnOrder)) For x = 0 To Ubound(arrColumnOrder) arrColumnOrder(x) = Cint(docCustomExport.ExportColumnOrder(x)) Next 'Check for categorized columns. If they exist, set flag to prevent 'sorting from occuring. Since categorized columns get exported to 'their own row, a sort will cause all the categories to sort to the 'bottom or top and they won't visually match up to the row they 'belong to. If sSourceType = CURRENTVIEW_TYPE Or sSourceType = VIEW_TYPE Then iHasCategories = False For x = 0 To Ubound(arrColumnOrder) If vtColumns(arrColumnOrder(x)).IsCategory Then iHasCategories = True End If Next End If 'Assign sort column number if appropriate 'Disable sort by default iNumSortColumns = 0 'If first sort field is not blank, then set first sort field If docCustomExport.ExportSortBy1(0) <> "" Then iNumSortColumns = 1 iSortBy1 = Cint(Arraygetindex(docCustomExport.ExportSelectListData, docCustomExport.ExportSortBy1(0)) + 1) Else 'Else, if tab by or group by are turned on, use first column as sort column If (docCustomExport.ExportTabFirstColumn(0) = "1" Or docCustomExport.ExportGroupFirstColumn(0) = "1") Then iNumSortColumns = 1 iSortBy1 = 1 End If End If 'If second sort field is not blank, or both tab by and group by are turned on, then set second sort field If docCustomExport.ExportSortBy2(0) <> "" Then iSortBy2 = Cint(Arraygetindex(docCustomExport.ExportSelectListData, docCustomExport.ExportSortBy2(0)) + 1) iNumSortColumns = 2 Else 'Else, if both tab by and group by are turned on, use second column as sort column If (docCustomExport.ExportTabFirstColumn(0) = "1" And docCustomExport.ExportGroupFirstColumn(0) = "1") Then iNumSortColumns = 2 iSortBy2 = 2 End If End If 'Turn on third sort field if set. If docCustomExport.ExportSortBy3(0) <> "" Then iSortBy3 = Cint(Arraygetindex(docCustomExport.ExportSelectListData, docCustomExport.ExportSortBy3(0)) + 1) iNumSortColumns = 3 End If 'If TabFirstColumn field is checked, set flag If docCustomExport.ExportTabFirstColumn(0) = "1" Then iTabFirstColumn = True End If 'If GroupFirstColumn field is checked, set flag If docCustomExport.ExportGroupFirstColumn(0) = "1" Then iGroupFirstColumn = True End If CustomizeExport = arrColumnOrder End Function Sub UpdateStatusBar(x As Long, total As Long) Print "Working..." & Cstr(Round((x / total), 2)*100) & "% done" End Sub Function CreateExcelObject() As Integer Dim sMessage As String 'Assume it worked CreateExcelObject = True 'Create Excel Object Set excelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") If excelApp Is Nothing Then sMessage = "Could not create spreadsheet." & Chr$( 10 ) & _ "Make sure Excel is installed on this computer." Msgbox sMessage, 16, "Creation of Spreadsheet Object Failed" CreateExcelObject = False Exit Function End If excelApp.DisplayAlerts = False Set excelNewWkbk = excelApp.Workbooks.Add PROMPT_FOR_FILENAME: 'Prompt for Excel file location and save. vtFileName = w.SaveFileDialog(False, "Choose New File", "Microsoft Excel|*.xls", "c:\windows\desktop") If Isempty(vtFileName) Then excelApp.Quit CreateExcelObject = False Exit Function End If On Error ErrOLEException Goto PROMPTAGAIN Call excelNewWkbk.SaveAs(vtFileName(0)) Set excelSheet = excelNewWkbk.ActiveSheet With excelNewWkbk .Title = "Notes Data Export from " & sSourceName End With Exit Function PROMPTAGAIN: x = Messagebox ("Error # " & Cstr(Err) & ": " & Error$ & _ Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "Would you like to try another file name?", 32 + 4, "File Save Error") If x <> 6 Then CreateExcelObject = False Exit Function End If Resume PROMPT_FOR_FILENAME End Function ==== Codice agente: Esporta tutti i documenti nella vista ==== **TYPE**: LotusScript (New Agent)\\ **NAME**: 1. Export To Excel \ 1. All documents in view\\ **POSITION**: Code / Agents Option Public Use "ExportToExcel" Sub Initialize Call ExportViewToExcel("All") End Sub ==== Codice agente: Esporta i documenti selezionati ==== **TYPE**: LotusScript (New Agent)\\ **NAME**: 1. Export To Excel \ 2. Selected documents in view\\ **POSITION**: Code / Agents Option Public Use "ExportToExcel" Sub Initialize Call ExportViewToExcel("Selected") End Sub